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A la Carte Wine Guide 2020/21

October 14, 2020

A la Carte Wine Editor Willi Balanjuk very rarely rates a full 100 points for the absolute top Austrian wines of a vintage. The candidates for the highest accolade, sourced out of his grand cru winners are to be repeatedly tasted over a longer period of time. Only two white wines of vintage 2019 have been finally given this rating, and we are extremely pleased that our Riesling Zöbinger Heiligenstein Alte Reben 2019 is amongst them!

“For a truly great wine everything has to be right,” says Willi Bründlmayer, “the site, the weather all through the year and during the harvest and the performance of all our team.”

“2019 offered us some really outstanding wines,” estate manager Andreas Wickhoff MW is pleased. “They show already their potential, however, it will take some years for them to run up to top form!”

Photo: Anna Stöcher